Funny How Life Works.


Funny how so many things change throughout the years and some stay the same…….. It passes by so fast sometimes  you forget to stop and breathe  and  enjoy life where you are at. You get lost in the stress and struggles that often come.


I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I am far from perfect.  Honestly I have almost more questions than answers. I truly trust God because I know He cares. I don’t  just say that.  It is true! He’s been with me through ups and downs through miracles and trials. That’s why I continue to fight and strive for an abundant life no matter what I face….

I don’t give up easy and I strive to encourage to lift up people. Especially when you are close to me. Even when I am in the mist of struggles, there’s always a stuggle, and we’re  called to pray for one another.   -James 5:16

I believe in looking for the silver lining and prayer for God to make ways when the paths seem hidden. -Isaiah 43:19. I am far from perfect but I strive to grow, stay strong, positive and hopeful ☺️. I don’t want to live a life of fear or regret.

When I don’t understand or know what to do next I try to make the most of it even though it may be hard. I love with all my heart because that is how God made me. I believe God loves us all and gave us unique telents. Sometimes our talents / gifts can be overwhelming and annoying at times. That is why I believe that we should treat others how we want to be treated.   -Luke 6:31

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” -James: 5:9-10

If we mess up we should say sorry. Think about how Jesus Christ treats us and how you want to be theated? I don’t hold gruges or unforgiveness because I strive not too. It is an act of my will. My choice. No one is perfect and fighting / disagreements are a part of life. I can’t say that enough. As long as theres no abuse or safety issues ask God how to work things out with the peoplewhoarein your life. If theres abuse and saftey issues  ask God for wisdom and direction  to get the help you need.

Please don’t let disagreements and diffrences harm relationships / friendships. Friendships,  relationships,  family,  marriage, courtship is important….  Don’t let them just dissolve if there’s a way to fix them especiallyif there’s love ❤️! 

They are precious commodities… We are called to fellowship and to build eachother up… We are not called to tear eachother  down or cause drama.  There  was a reason  God made Eve for Adam. -Genesis 2:22-24. He didn’t want us to be alone. We are stronger together then separated.  History  poroves this trure. ❣️

If you are alone physically you are not alone  like you may feel…. Jesus  Christ is always with you  if you choose.  I have countless  stories and  truths  of that  in my personal life.  I have overcome  more than I  could  or should have numerous times.  From moving a sofa, to waking from a brain dead coma….. 

Me 1993

Jesus came to bring Life and to bring it Abundantly no matter what the enemy throws at you. I have been looking back at the past as I do every April in reflection and  deep prayer for the future.  I am no where where I want to be  tho I’ve done a lot, traveled a lot, and experienced a lot.  I feel twice my age…. I have been struggling with stuff physically, emotionally,  financially. And spiritually. I have been in a way stuk in a rut. Yet in that rut I’ve become stronger and wiser. As so you can be too. We can’t  control others nor would I want to. The beauty of  people is  everyone is unique and different than you are. You can’t always  control your  life situations or finances. Yet you can  control your own mind, choices and your words. Your words have power!

Please take time to look around and see the beauty surrounding you. Take time to pray and study the Bible if you choose to believe in God / Jesus and the HolySpirit.  And most of all remember that you are loved, you matter and are treasured even if you can’t  see it is true.

Have a great day and stay safe Strong and kind.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Updates are happening…

Hello All,

I started editing and updating my websites/blogs as I said I would. 😅 I have a lot of work ahead of me. The good news is I started and it’s satisfying my need to write while I save up for a PC. One with all the specifications for my needs and desires. Apparently, the host I use changed how everything is coded and formatted. Thus it is a much bigger project than I expected. Please bear with me as I accomplish this long-overdue challenge. Not only do I have to edit my drafts and upload them, but it looks like I have to redo every post and page one by one. Remember I started these sites many many years ago, first on Yahoo then on I bravenet which ended. Was blessed when I found WordPress and have been here since. 🙃

If you keep up with me you know I run three websites two of which are 3/4ths blogs… I will be focusing on updating only these two. and It would be nice to have a PA to help, however, I am enjoying reading and updating them myself. Having someone else do this would not be true to myself or my sites. If I had someone else edit, update my stuff, and rework the posts in the ways I have to and such. Then I feel my sites would lose their core. It wouldn’t be my voice or my heart in these posts any longer… I put all my heart into these sites. If you want to know me then read my stuff. I am honest and sincere. I don’t play games and I don’t write to please anyone except God /Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The way I express myself best is through writing. It would be nice to have an editor to help me proofread stuff. But I find when I re-read what I wrote I see things I forgot to add or better ways to say what I was trying to say in the first place. Yes, it is a long overdue project and I am lucky to have the time and means to do it.

The reason why I am taking on this massive task now of all time is that people are actually starting to visit my sites regularly and buy my books more. I was in the habit of posting in a hurry because my life was so fast-paced. I didn’t submit the posts as well as I would have liked. Then my dad passed away and I was feeling too dark and drained to do anything much. I didn’t want to be around anyone or talk to anyone. Except for those who fought to keep me close. On top of that, the host WordPress/ Bluehost / Jetpack have merged together recently and they changed so much that the coding I have is outdated. There has been such a huge amount of upgrades since I started these sites that it’s a little overwhelming and I am out of practice. In the past I would make time to edit the sites often, but only minor editions. Now there is so much that needs to be addressed. Most of my posts can’t easily be edited. I get error messages when I open them now. I used to be able to do everything from my phone over the past five years. That is not an option at this point. I literally have to go one by one re-post them while I edit each one. Like I said I already stared. Be prepared to see changes and updates to posts you may want to wait and read my stuff. Unless you want to witness the changes.

Speaking of changes some people suggest that I to change the overall look of my site because they feel it is outdated. I am not sure if that’s how people really feel or if they are trying to get me to buy their stuff. However, That is not going to happen all my products gifts, banners, profile pictures, and such are directly linked to my whole color scheme. My life is all about colors and I love how my page is a spatter of colors because life is messy and colorful.

One last question you may have….. How am I doing this without a PC? I am using my mom’s laptop when I house-sit and my old Apple laptop that has no memory whatsoever ( they were doing a cloud memory-only thing. ) As you may have seen in my previous posts. When they ended the program I lost all my updated books and Apple was unable to retrieve them. I thought I had saved them on my external hard drive, but sadly I didn’t. I had a crazy couple of weeks where I was on a writing spree and got so much done while traveling… Fortunetly I have the un-updated versions still -minus one small book- that was completely lost…….. The Apple laptop was a gift and we had no idea it was cloud only memory. I remember when I first received it I used it all the time. Now I only have the extremely bare basics… No word no writing programs no memory but it works for my emails and websites. The lack it now has is the same reason we aren’t doing any vlogs including the gaming one I started with the Sims 4. too. Maybe one day I will have updates installed on the Apple laptop or Ill gift it or sell it….. for now though my goal is to get a fully loaded and sweet functioning well-staked desktop computer. I have a friend who is helping me find/build. Something I am truly excited about and motivates me to get what I can do while I wait for it.

😊 Thank you for your time and support.

Have a great day and stay safe Strong and kind.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

I’m still here…!

Did you miss me?  I am just not here much. I have been extremely inspired lately to write. However, I still haven’t been able to settle down enough to focus on my thoughts to get them out, at least not nearly as much as I would like to. I have been running around like crazy inside my mind. Outwardly I am sleepy and antsy. I need to buckle down and finish cleaning my apartment. I need to also take some stuff to storage.

I’m not on much anymore but I try to keep up when I can. You all are precious and important. I may not say it but I care. I pray for you and your family’s lives. I am not as outspoken as I used to be, but my faith and love for people is still the same. I plan to start writing again hopefully in the near future. Until then it is spring cleaning and recovery from the last several years. God is moving, although some things take longer than others. I do get impatient. I am human after all… I do wish some things were different but don’t we all about something? When I don’t know how to do something or when I am struggling with something I hold on to this verse. It has gotten me through so much! I pray it helps you as well!

Life is hard, sometimes dramatically hard and we deal with intense pains; emotional, physical, mental etc. That doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you. ♡John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.Speaks about the hardships of life and how God’s love for you is abundant. He wants us to thrive and to get the rest we need. He wants us to put our Trust in Him when we have struggles and to rest in that- ♡Mathew 11:28. You should also read Psalms 81 ♡Daniel 3 is another great example. So don’t give up keep praying knowing that you are not alone. ♡John 10:11 The good shepherd watches over his sheep. I am the good shepherd. Remember no matter what you are going through you are not alone even tho at times it may fee like it and the pressures of the world are overwhelming Jesus / God / The Holy Spirit is with you!

I am not just saying it. Seek out the answers for yourself. ♡Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. If you really want to see God / Jesus/ The Holy Spirit you will. Just as there is Good there is bad some people call that Karma but I believe it is God’s Love and The Devil’s Vengence. There is a real spiritual world cloaked with a thin veil. Be careful what and who you let into your life. I pray you find what you are seeking. Tho the road may be long and rough you will and can get through this. Do not give up! If I can do anything to encourage you then I feel my life purpose has been fulfilled. You Matter!

Have a great day and stay safe Strong and kind.

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Love One Another?!

Hello all,

How are you doing? How have you been? You know I really do care about my friends, my family, the people I meet, and you!

I do not just say that, I truly mean it. I have had quite the life I have had a lot of hardships, challenges, and rough times. I have had lots of blessings memorable, unreal, and treasured moments. All of which has taught me to be who I am today. I am far from perfect but I work hard at staying cheerful, upbeat, kind, non-judgmental, and encouraging loving. Not just because I am a believer in Christ; but who teaches us to Love one another. ツ John 15:12-13My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

There are over 30 verses in the Bible talking about how we should treat each other as believers, some are listed here:

Often times we forget that we are all human and we all have needs and emotions. We all have unique lives. I say this all the time… How you treat others matters.

News Boys Love One Another

Are you nice, do you lose your cool when you react? Do you hold on to anger? Do you hate? We aren’t perfect and honestly, the world we live in right now makes it harder. You are constantly asked what side you are on Pro Whatever ——- Anti Whatever………..?????

I really don’t care what faith you have as long as you aren’t out to attack others. Our current society is pushing us to become divided and to turn us against each other. Don’t tell me I am wrong. The evidence is all around you.

We spent the majority of the past two years, where I live, keeping a distance from each other. That included Family and other group gatherings, parks, restaurants, stores, ectara – were closed. There was forced separations from each other. We were mandated to wear masks. Almost completely shut down all forms of travel. So much so that we got used to being alone and living in fear in our homes. Forgetting how to react to people we actually come in contact with. We are now face-to-face literally with people. However with the news and groups promoting fear and hate to others of all sides trying to keep us separated if not physically but also mentally and emotionally… Am I wrong?

I don’t know about you but I do not want to live a life of fear. I want to live a life of Love. I don’t care what side you are on. You are welcome to your own opinions and feelings. I am not trying to devalue them. If they matter to you – they matter to God. So they matter. At least that’s How I feel about all the subjects.

I do not want to be judge and jury. I would rather change the world one person at a time with Love. To let you know you matter and that you are important. No matter what you think or the “so-called side you are on”. God loves us… He loves you and we have a bigger enemy out there that wants to drive a wedge between us all and tear us all apart.

He is the Devil….. My favored verse isn’t John 10:10 for nothing. It says: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Meaning Jesus came so we could live a better life if we so choose to. Have you ever taken the time to think about your actions? Your words? What if you do and how you treat others matters?

I am not here to scold or punish you. Nor is God. He loves you and He wants the best for you. ツJeramiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” He doesn’t want you to waste time beating yourself up… Heck I am sure you already struggle with your self-worth enough. That’s why he encourages us to love one another. Because Love is powerful and it changes lives. Think about how much we could change if we could come together and work together for the good. Hate only leads to war and lives lost….. Is that what you want? More death? I am not trying to be dramatic but I think we all need a dose of reality… Maybe that’s why I should have titled this post instead of Love One Another….

How do you wanna change the World? Honestly – It is up to you who you want to be and how you want to treat others.

News Boys That’s How You Change the World

You have more power than you realize… Please start thinking about your actions, your words and how you can love the people in your life and treat the strangers you come across. Anger comes easy. You have to work at kindness and love.

What is remembered more? Acts of anger or acts of love in your daily life?

( I am not referring to abusive relationships’ those are bad and if you are in one you should seek help! I know it can be hard to do so but your safety is important just as you are! )

I can say honestly I often forget about being cut off, and treated badly after a while. However, acts of love stick with me. Why? Because they touch my heart they heal my soul and lift me up.

If you know about you may be asking why didn’t I post this there. I choose to post this here because the topic is so close to my heart. Because it is my main message in life. If I do anything in my life or I am known for anything. I want it to be that I helped and encouraged you to Find Love in your life and to be loving and kind to others. That’s what Valentine’s Day is all about right? It celebrates love and to me, it’s not just for couples but for all people. That’s one of the greatest things my Dad ever taught me. To treat all with respect and love. If they deserve it or not. Pray for them, Ask God to heal their hurts, and try to forgive their mistakes and wrongdoings… Because holding anger and hate in your heart hurts you more than it hurts anyone else..

Happy Valentine’s Day!

God bless you today and always

Good night 😴

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Goodbye 2022 – Hello 2023

My baby sister went missing. She is indeed not a baby anymore but she is previous to me all the same. She didn’t know who she was and every time we found her she would disappear again. Finally, she was found and taken in for observation and they diagnosed her with Alcohol-Induced Psychosis.

She had quite a challenging adventure from July till the end of December. When she came home right before Christmas. Talk about a Christmas miracle! Alcohol is not something people should take for granted. I know not everyone is alcoholics, but it is still a mind-altering substance. It was scary how much it changed her personality and she didn’t know who or where she was for most of those months among other things. If you drink alcohol you need to be careful this doesn’t happen to you especially if you are on other meds. I can not go deeper into the story it is not mine to tell but I needed to tell that part, not just for your sake if you drink, but also because it was such a miracle how God took care of her. He was with her everywhere she went, getting her the help she needed and restoring her to not her former self but better than she was before. I am still in awe of how God did it.

Let this be an example for you. Don’t wait till you are in trouble to change how you do things you should start taking care of yourself now. If you are depressed or addicted to something you shouldn’t be because of depression I am praying for you…. Depression is real and not everyone can recognize the signs. You may not even recognize you are depressed. The battles of life are real even if they don’t seem as valid to some as they do to you. A problem is a problem an issue is an issue…. How we deal with them is up to us.

This is good advice …..

You are a fighter a warrior a survivor! Even if you can not see it. Look at all you have accomplished so far. It may not seem a lot to you but it is a lot more than you would have done if you didn’t do anything. I used to be very hard on myself comparing myself to others asking God why them and not me?  But I am not them nor are they me. We all have unique gifts and talents even if you do not see them others do and God does. If you realize it or not you impact other people’s lives by your actions or lack of actions,  choices, and words.  You leave lasting impressions you may never realize you do. As I say often we are windows. Constantly watched examples if we want to be or not. I am not saying this to add more pressure to you but it’s the truth. Another truth is you are loved! You may not feel loved or be around people who seem to appreciate you but you are loved. You are appreciated you are special! If you see it or not it is a fact! I strongly believe that! John 10 :10 says The devil comes only to steal kill and to destroy but I ( Jesus) Comes to bring life and to bring it abundantly!  God / Jesus / The Holy Spirit want you to be happy they want you you be healthy and whole. They want you to succeed. They want your life to be full of blessings and well full of goodness.  There is a real enemy out there who wants to see you fail fall down and even die……. If you believe that or not- I believe it to be true. 

Anything you do to better your life that you can do;  do it! Be it as simple as getting out of bed, (if you can I know not everyone has that option) calling a friend, making dinner, going to the store and buying supplies, or maybe sneaking five dollars into someone’s hand. Giving a sincere compliment to give someone a smile… Anything you do-  do it knowing you are taking steps to improve others’ lives as well as your own life. I have seen how bad it can be for some who can not do anything physically, I have been there too.  Every day I live I am grateful to have life even when it is hard. I try to do something to better my future every day even if it is just reaching out to someone I care about and encouraging them.  Your life is your life and it is what you make of it. I know some things can not be changed or moved at the time but you can prepare for when they can be and work on bettering yourself and who you want to be. So when you can go where you want or be who you want to be with etc you will be ready.  When you are faced with a bad situation you have a choice on how to react. We are human and we have emotions but we should do our best to react or respond the best we can. If we fail then we should fix it to the best of our abilities. Otherwise, we aren’t only hurting the other person we are also hurting ourselves. Resentment, hurt feelings, and unforgiveness is poison to our body and souls. That is why I strive to always end things well or resolve not leaving room for doubt. Sometimes there is no other option but to let it go and walk away….. But I find those situations to be the worst to have… I am not just talking about ghosting which is the worst thing you can do to someone! It is cowardly and it speaks volumes of your character. It is better to agree to disagree or to just listen and not share your. It is ok to say I do not agree with you but I still care about you as a person. We are all made uniquely so we all have unique opinions. No one thinks exactly the same as you, anything you do to better your life that you can do;  do it! Be it as simple as getting out of bed, (if you can I know not everyone has that option) calling a friend, making dinner, going to the store and buying supplies, maybe sneaking five dollars into someone’s hand anything you do-  do it knowing you are taking steps to improve your life. I have seen how bad it can be for some who can not do anything physically, I have been there too.  Every day I live I am grateful to have life even when it is hard. I try to do something to better my future every day even if it is just reaching out to someone I care about and encouraging them.  Your life is your life and it is what you make of it. I know some things can not be changed or moved at the time but you can prepare for when they can be and work on bettering yourself and who you want to be. So when you can go where you want or be who you want to be with etc you will be ready.  When you are faced with a bad situation you have a choice on how to react. We are human and we have emotions but we should do our best to react or respond to them the best we can. If we fail then we fix the misunderstanding or situation to the best of our abilities. We may be similar in many ways but we all process and think uniquely.- yes but even if you agree on something you have your own mind and reasons why you like or dislike something… All relationships, family, friendships, and marriages, are worth fighting for especially if you love them. Remember Love is a feeling its a choice we make to fight to keep those we care about in our lives even when we are mad at them because our lives would lack substance without that person. Trust me I know. Sometimes the people we care about leave our lives on earth for good via their choice or worse yet by death leaving a giant hole/void only God can fill. I don’t want you to choose to abandon people over silly disputes that are temporary or can be resolved….. You will one day probably greatly regret it… Sometimes you can not repair those……… So be wise…… If it is not your doing give it to God. look what he did for us and my sister!

I started so many posts this and last year but I didn’t finish or post any😕.  When I went to edit and upload them I found, that they had apparently been deleted and unrecoverable. This happened several times. 💔 Probably due to the poor network from traveling and snow. It is quite frustrating when that happens. Especially when I know what I write can not be published right away. Usually, because I was on my phone or in a hurry. WordPress used to be the best app for writing, editing, and posting from my phone… Now not so much…. I hope I will find a way to do this better soon. They are still my favorite site to work with and great to write on. All the editing and fun tools I need are still on the PC. Without edits like this one was before I edited it today, they would all look like they were drunk posts or in my case sleep gagble. Speaking from years of experience editing. I usually edit my posts three times at least before posing but since I haven’t been able to do it from my phone it has been harder for me to do the job I should. I have posted a few from my phone before but then I almost always have to re-edit them. I wasn’t near a pc for quite some time. This is odd since anyone who knows me knows I love computers and enjoy gaming and writing on them.  Sometimes life likes to get in the way of your plans and if you have not experienced this then you are truly blessed.   We had a couple of family emergencies starting in July lasting till now. I really appreciate you sticking by me through this lull. I hope to get a PC in the future and a more regular posting schedule.

One thing I have learned the most these past few years is no matter how much we plan things happen that are out of our control. Yes, we need to do what we can to fix or help but where we can’t do things like force someone to take care of themselves,  we have to give it to God.  It is not up to us to fix everything and honestly it is impossible. I found when I stopped trying to handle everything by myself and started asking God to take over things started moving and I started changing for the better.  Just some food for thought.  Prayer works and you are loved. Jesus is your friend as much as he is mine, he was born, lived, died, and lived again for us. For you! If you do not know Jesus Christ as your friend I suggest you read the book of John in the Bible along with  Ephesians, and 1 John.  Here is a great online bible with a app you can use for free

Goodbye 2022 and Hello 2023!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

💕 I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! God Bless You Today and Always! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

My Heart Hurts

My heart hurts 💔 from all the killings & innocent children. I  wonder why there is stricter protection at the schools & why don’t they not closely monitor or allow people who cause such crimes to roam free when they obviously had proof of being dangerous 🤔 They almost always say there were signs. If they see something suspicious why not check into it? I don’t want to be like other countries like Asia and Europe where they have cameras everywhere monitoring people all the time. Although maybe it is needed in schools? Maybe the Bible and morals should be taught more at home and in schools. God gave us “The Ten Commandments” for a reason. It is impossible to keep them all, especially without Jesus in our lives but it gives us a chart of what not to do.

Seriously it’s not about gun control it’s about the police and schools doing their job to protect the staff and students. Taking away guns won’t stop determined people who wish to kill. There’s plenty of other ways to do that. If one is set on doing evil they will find a way. So focus on vetting and upping security better?! What can the school teachers and such do that they aren’t now? I am not judging only God and they really know. But shouldn’t we all be asking?

All these mass and non-mass shootings not just at schools but at stores etc. They are pushing and causing havoc and are encouraging people to stay home and home-school their children. Two mass shootings within a week? They used to be so rare…. Now they are so often people don’t give them much thought. We not only live in a world in distress right now we live in a time where people are not held accountable for their actions and words. Asif it is ok to be mean and hurtful… We do not live in “The Hunger Games” although sometimes it feels like that. Especially these recent times and with the extra health debates and concerns more people are turning against each other. What can we do to help prevent these? I ask God that constantly. I am always praying for my loved ones and friend’s safety and my own especially during big holidays and events…… We shouldn’t have to live in fear? This is truly sad……… I can not imagine the pain these families are going through….. Especially knowing it could have been stopped…

It really doesn’t matter what side you are on Violence is never the answer in my opinion… If you are: Left, Right, Middle, Whatever the color of your skin is, or what faith you have… They are not valid reasons to kill over! The “faiths” that consider killing others is okay sickens me and shouldn’t exist!!! That is my personal opinion. Everyone has a unique way of thinking and their own personal opinions. That is what makes everyone unique & truly special! If we all thought the same life would be boring and lack color. Differences make life more … Full and Abundant!

PLEASE ❤️ Stop Hatred & start loving others despite their differences Everyone matters. I can not say that enough!! You don’t have to agree with everyone but Violecnece is not the answer! If you cannot agree then agree to disagree or just walk away. I have seen so many relationships and friendships end over fights started with differences of opinions that are valid yes. Everyone’s feelings are valid and important! It pains me to see these end over issues that I feel could have been resolved and the relationship can be saved with some kindness. Some love and some appreciation of everyone’s uniqueness go a long way! I know there are people out there who don’t believe that Jesus is Lord as truly as I do. I am not here to debate that today. I am here to ask you to share more kindness and love to others. I don’t share the same beliefs or ideas as some of my friends- we still love each other! When you value and care about people truly, their differences aren’t the reason to end the relationship unless the person intends harm to others and isn’t just venting. Our words and actions speak volumes. We are always being watched by others if we want to be or not we are setting examples and levels for those around us to live by.

Getting back on topic: Government – Christians – You – it is your job to stop promoting division and focus on bringing people together. THE BIBLE TEACHES STRONGLY ABOUT THE POWER OF LOVE & STANDING TOGETHER ❤️ THE GOVERNMENT was set up to protect & provide for its people, not personal agendas. That’s why we have the Declaration of Independence and the justice system was created.

It doesn’t matter if you believe Jesus lived & died because He loved you- John 3:16 Or if you believe in God at all, tho I hope you do. What matters is you treat others with respect, kindness & compassion. It is our job as believers to build others up and share Christ’s Love. Jesus loves everyone even tho He wasn’t happy about everyone’s life choices. We are not perfect, yet He died so we could be free from the darkness of evil. So that we could live a life full of life. John:10:10 Because every single life is precious & important!!!! We should work to resolve misunderstandings and save valuable relationships. We should work to spread kindness and end hatred. Learn to forgive more and not to hold grudges. They are poison more for you than for others. Proven to cause illnesses and harm more than good. It isn’t easy for sure that is why it is work. Don’t choose to be mean, angry, resentment, or violent. Words can do just as much harm as a physical attack… Be accountable for your actions and your words.! It truly takes courage to show compassion and understanding. To be open to listen and to love despite differences!

-my rant is done-

💕 I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! God Bless You Today and Always! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

The Original Thread on Twitter

Another Year.!

Hello Everyone,

Guess what, it’s my birthday. Yes, April First is my birthday. I wasn’t supposed to live but I did. Another year has flown by. I am truly grateful to be alive. Life has not always been easy. Honestly, life has been quite a struggle at some points. There’s been times where there seemed to be nothing but darkness. Times when I’ve had to literally and figuratively crawl to move forward.

Yet there’s been times of true miracles and blessings. I’ve been miraculously healed of being brain dead, and from four stokes. I have had some truly amazing and wonderful experiences. Such as: working with celebrities, going to college, hosting events, traveling – exploring new places, and worked passionately with ministries. I have dealt with losses and even depression at times. Especially the past few years. God has also given me loving family, man, and friends. I have always tried my best and trusted God with the rest. Especially when it comes to major life changes. We have to be careful not to miss those moments of God’s guidance, grace, and direction. Sometimes I wonder if I have missed a few. I know I m where I am supposed to be at the moment. Yet worrying about the past changes nothing. You have to focus on the future and enjoy the day you have. Because each new day is a precious gift!

I have really had a full life so far. I’ve been told that I have probably only lived half of my lifetime thus far…

Truly the future is so unpredictable. You can plan all you want but life has a way of throwing you curve balls. Be it in baseball or bowling, they happen. That is why I am truly grateful for God’s amazing love, for giving us Jesus Christ and the HolySpirit. My best friends. Without which I know that I couldn’t make it on my own. I understand that life isn’t perfect. It is dang hard at times! However, God’s timing and love are perfect. Tho at times it is very hard waiting for the answers we need / want. Sometimes things happened that hurt. But God is Love and God is good. My life is living proof of that.

1 John 4:7-10 KJV
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son (Jesus) to be the propitiation for our sins.

Psalm 100:5 KJV “For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

It would be so easy to feel sorry for myself. Yet I choose to live with optimism. When you let fear, doubt, anger, resentment, and unforgiveness in. They can and will destroy your joy, hope, faith, love peace and health. The Bible talks strongly about guarding your heart. King Solomon said it best: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23) With that said… It is important that you treasure the people who are in your life more than things and temporary trials. Those come and go but having people to share your life with is the best gift of all.

I ask you as your birthday gift to me tell someone in your life how much they matter to you. I feel there is too much anger, and resentment is going on in this world. We each have a choice to make a difference even if it’s only in one person’s life. Your effort counts. You matter and you will probably never know how much you truly matter, yet you are treasured and loved so much; By God and others! Trust me I know there are people out there who value you even if they do not show it. With that said……

!!!Thank you Lord for my life!!!

💕 I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! God Bless You Today and Always! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Don’t let fear keep you from Life.

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share this with you. It has been on my heart for a while. I just haven’t taken the time to write it yet. It is an important topic for discussion…. I realize somewhere I got lost living in fear. I am not happy living there. It is not my normal residency either. I have no idea how long I have been here. A year? Maybe two?

Usually, I don’t live with fear. I live with the hope of the idea of: someday, somehow… I live by doing my best and having faith for the rest of it… Because one never knows what tomorrow holds. There are three ways to fail.

If we complain about what we don’t have, if we blame others for our own lack we won’t get anywhere. We can’t live with resentment, anger, or ungratefulness. Those are tools that hold you back. They let fear work its way into your life if its not already there. You also can’t try to live up to others’ expectations. It is impossible to be who they want and yourself. Just be yourself.

FEAR is a powerful weapon and enemy that strikes you at every chance. Fear of failure, missing out, not being noticed, not being good enough, fear of being forced, ect… You have to believe in yourself and know that you have a unique creative presence and purpose. One that only you have…

Life is short, you do not know what tomorrow holds. What will change, what may happen or not happen… There are so many possibilities and chances… You need to overcome the fear and put forth the effort. Work towards your desires, dreams, goals.

Don’t put off what you wanna do or where you wanna go, because you think you may fail, you have failed. With the thought, it may not work out… If you don’t try… If you don’t put yourself out there nothing will ever change! Simple as that! If you don’t put in the effort and let go of or overcome the fear you will never get your reach your dreams, desires, or goals…

I say this out of true love and from personal experience… Life Hard!!!!! I have put off some things I really wanted and then it was to beforehand have regrets… I don’t ever want to do that again… I don’t want to live with regrets or see anyone miss out on their dreams for lack of trying.

You have to do it for yourself! You deserve happiness… You are special, amazing, and loved!! Don’t be afraid. Fear keeps us from joy! From reaching potentials we may not even know is possible.

We may never be fully satisfied with our lives, but we can do our best and make the best out of what we have!!!

💕   I really appreciate you all. Your encouragement means a lot! 

I hope you find your passion if you haven’t and stay safe!  

God bless you today and always!

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Hapy Mothers Day 2021

Be it a Mom, a Mother Or a Woman,

I have theses things on my heart I want to share it is a five min shoert message linked below alng with added thoughts under that…

You are not alone, You matter. What you do matters, How you treat people mattrs! You are one of a kind comletly unique and extremly important! Mother in the heart is what makes you a mom. Not just a woman! Thank you Mom for raising me, all you have given up, all you have shared, and all that you have done to help mold me into who I am todday! Thank you to all the mother fiures I have in my life who have contributed to who I am and inspired me as well. God bless you all today and always!

📖Bible Verses:

✞John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)

✞Hebrews 13: 5 – 6 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. “What will man do to me?” (NASV)

✞John 10: 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (KJV)

✞John 10: 11-12 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. (NLT)

✞Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)

✞Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (NIV)

✞Genesis 2 : 18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (NIV)

✞Bible site

♥♥♥♥Thank you for Reading and listening

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💕 I really appreciate you all. You’re encogement means a lot!

I hope you find your passion if you haven’t and stay safe!

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

New Pages added

Hello Everyone 👋

I have been getting back into the swing of things finally getting back to my books and other projects.


-First of all I want to say thank you for praying and continuing to stop by and share your time with me. I know that with how busy we get where you spend your time matters.


-Second WordPress has joined up with anchor to create podcasts! Exciting right. I always thought about doing them but never looked into it. Now I have! I created a podcast account on anchor that I can use to branch out to other podcast sites. You can find here:

I already started creating some as well as converting audio files from our youtube vlogs wich you can find listed here: I plan to read some of my already posted blogs from here and for those who preferer to listen. I am really excited about this 😍.

I am also going to make a product page I’ve actually had an online store for a while and other things I would love to share with people.

I just have to find the time and best way to display the products. I already have a book page with a place you can request to purchase singed coppies from me.

I may possibly add a donation page if anyone is interested. I feel wierd about it tho. If you think I should please let me know. I would really appreciate your feedback on this. 😊

I’m committed to my books.

I know I have been pretty irregular with this and writing but I am still determined to publish the books I’ve been working on. I am pretty stubborn. Life is messy and unpredictable its all about how you choose to act and live. It is up to you to decide what you want and how to make it happen. If you do nothing then nothing will happen. The important thing is that I keep trying and haven’t given up. Just like a turtle 🐢. I may move slow but I keep moving. There is so much I want to do an accomplice. I will do whatever I can when I can.

Again I really appreciate you all. You’re encogement means a lot! I hope you find your passion if you haven’t and stay safe! 💕

ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ Amy Jane Sandberg ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯

Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.


My interviews with many authors

A Novel Life.LLC

Your life is an adventure limited only by your dreams…

Debradoo's Blog

Just another site

Amy Jane's World

~Life ~ Dreams ~ Work ~ Writing~ People ~ Faith ~

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

Unshakable Hope

"All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (Hebrews 12:27)

Birdie's Health Chatter

Your Guide to Natural Health and Wellness